
Gone Wild: An Endangered Animal Alphabet

Author: David McLimans
Publisher: Walker & Co.
Publication Date: 2006
Genre: Nonfiction
Audience: Gr. K-3
Awards: 2006 Caldecott Honor; “One of the ten best illustrated children’s books of 2006” by The New York Times Book Review

Overview: In this alphabet book of 26 animals that are critically endangered, or vulnerable, each letter is formed to look like the animal, which it is presenting. Illustrations are very appealing, and the book introduces animals from all over the world.

Activity: Ask children if they know what ‘endangered’ means. Define and explain vocabulary words: critically endangered, endangered, and vulnerable. Come up with a collective list of animals they know are endangered or extinct. Talk about causes of this (pollution, etc).

Reviewer’s Name: Mandi Kingeter