Based on the Discovery Film by: Hugo van Lawick
Authors: Jackie Ball and Kit Carlson
Publisher: Learning Triangle Press
Publication Date: 1996
Genre: African, Nonfiction, Informational Book
Audience: Gr. All
Overview: This true story, tells the tale of a young leopard cub that was filmed on the Discovery Channel. This will help young readers to become interested in the book, if they have also seen the documentary or are interested in leopards. The story illustrates how a young leopard grows up to become an adult. The detailed descriptions and magnificent photography will attract readers from young to old.
Activity: Children may make a movie about an animal of their choice as a class. They first must begin by researching, and then put together all of the information to present and develop their own show about their animal. For younger children, they may want to find another book about leopards that they can share with the class, or they may each make a poster depicting one thing that they remember or liked most about the leopard. They can then present it to their classmates and explain why they chose to draw what they did.
Reviewer’s Name: Amelia Smith