
Charlotte's Web

Author:  E. B. White

Illustrator: Garth William

Publisher: Harpercollins

Publication Date: 1952

Awards: Newberry Honor Book

Genre: Fiction

Audience:  Gr. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Overview:  This is a great book for children that will teach them about friendship.  It is about a little girl named Fern who falls in love with a runt pig, Wilbur.  She begs her father to let her take care of him.  You find out that Fern can talk to farm animals and understand their language.  With the help of a clever spider, Charlotte, Fern saves Wilbur’s life and makes him a star. 

Activity:  Have the students think about an animal that they would like to be friends with.  Why did they choose that animal?  What makes them their special friend?  Have them tell about an adventure they went on.

Reviewer's Name: Erin Mazzatta