WELCOME teachers, students, librarians, parents, and other children's books lovers to our BLOG BLOG (Book Lovers' Online Gallery BLOG) - a great source of book reviews created by Children's Literature Professor, Deb Marciano and students in Elementary Education. Let us know what you think! HAPPY READING!
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Author: Judi Barrett
Illustrator: Ron Barrett
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division
Publication Date: 1978
Awards: Colorado Children's Book Award, Georgia Children's Book Award, Golden Sower Award (NE), IRA/CBC Children's Choices, New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Books, Reading Rainbow Book, SMART Book Award Nominee
Genre: Fiction
Audience: Gr. K-3
Overview: It is the tall tale about a town called "Chewandswallow" where the weather is made of food. Suddenly the weather takes a turn for the worse, and it begins raining food! This story is an excellent way to get students using their imaginations.
Activity: I would ask the students to think of an event that happened in their life, and write about it in the form of a tall tale by stretching the truth and exaggerating the details.
Reviewer’s Name: Sarah Pierson