WELCOME teachers, students, librarians, parents, and other children's books lovers to our BLOG BLOG (Book Lovers' Online Gallery BLOG) - a great source of book reviews created by Children's Literature Professor, Deb Marciano and students in Elementary Education. Let us know what you think! HAPPY READING!
The Zoo
Author/Illustrator: Suzy Lee
Publisher: Kane/Miller
Publication Date: 2007
Genre: Picture Book
Audience: Gr. K-3
Overview: During what seems to be a usual trip to the zoo, the little girl begins following a peacock. In her own adventure, she discovers far more than her parent, as colored pencil drawings explode into a much more interesting visit than her parents are having.
Activity: After discussing the book and exploring the illustrator’s use of color to tell a story within a story, choose a rather mundane experience that can be used as the basis for readers’ own story within a story. A great opportunity to explore the impact colored pencils can have on a drawing.
Reviewer’s Name: Deb Marciano