
Title: The Turnip
Author: Pierr Morgan
Publisher: http://www.pierrmorgan.com
Publication Date: 1990
Genre: Folktale, Picture Book
Audience: Gr.Pre-K-2

Overview: This book tells a story of a very Old Russian folktale. The story begins with Dadushka planting a turnip seed. The seed grows and grows into a very large turnip and he cannot get it out. It takes many, many tries until finally one surprising little creature is able to help. The beautiful illustrations make the reader feel as if they actually are a part of the story. This book teaches children lessons about the value of not giving up, and shows how every single person matters in life.

Activity: Children can create their own turnips, depicting how big they thought the turnip was in their minds. They can then write on their turnip, about a time when they thought that they could not do something, or when they had to help someone else who was in need.

Reviewer's Name: Amelia Smith