
Beatrix Potter: A Journal

Author: Beatrix Potter
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publication Date: 2006
Genre: Nonfiction
Audience: Gr. K-3

Overview: A beautiful collection of diary entries, letters, and pieces memorabilia that tell the story of Beatrix Potter’s life, in scrapbook format. Small paragraphs throughout the book, written by Potter, explain the different pieces of memorabilia and what they represent. There are many pop outs, including a copy of a letter written by Beatrix to a friend, a map of the area Beatrix summered as a child, a miniature copy of “The Game of Peter Rabbit,” and a personal copy of The Tale of Peter Rabbit.

Activity: After reading the journal, allow students to collect pictures and other pieces of memorabilia from their own lives to bring into class. Compile their own life scrapbooks, complete with mock journal entries for the different parts of their lives. An alternative is for students can research their favorite author and create a journal of the author’s life, with journal entries written by the students from the perspective of an author.

Reviewer’s Name: Mandi Kingeter